Monday, March 17, 2014

Tornado- March 17, 2014

Hello Friends and Family,

     Elder Edwards and I are dominating here in Brewton! This week was absolutely amazing. We picked up six new investigators who are all interested in family history! We got most of them signed up and started helping them with ancestry work! They all love it. We haven't met with Billy in a while but he randomly came to church with his mom! I don't really know what's going on with him but we are still trying to help him build faith in Christ. On Monday we met with Davids friend Chris and taught him more about the Book of Mormon and we showed him how they work together, you could see his eyes light up! He got so happy because we answered questions that he has had for a while and couldn't find them in the bible, that's what the book of Mormon is for!!! We also met with Jeffery Faust and had the most best lesson with him on why bad things happen to go people and we also gave him a blessing. Oh we went over to the Crains house and gave Peggy Crain a blessing because she had pneumonia. She has been less active for some time but she came to church on Sunday with her daughter and grandson! She wasn't sick anymore when she showed up for church! On Sunday a tornado touched down right outside Brewton, I didn't see it but it was really windy and sketchy outside! On Thursday we started teaching a family history workshop on Jefferson Davis Community College. We taught all the people in the historical society department how to use Family Search. We are gonna start doing that every Thursday now. One more thing. We contacted a Spanish lady named Gloria and we got a return apt with her for Tuesday and we are gonna take Zack potter to our lesson with her because he just got back from serving a mission in chili and her English wasn't tthat good and my Spanish is horrible so wish us luck!

Love you all,
Love Elder Kimball

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