Monday, May 5, 2014

Fort Walton Pt. 3- May 5, 2014

Hello Friends and Family, 
This week has been weird! I've been sick this whole week and now I'm starting to feel a little better. I think I've got some kind of head cold, its a bummer. We totally got destroyed by a huge storm that hit our whole Mission this week. All of tuesday night we were under tornado watch and were advised to take shelter but Elder Atagi and I decided to sit on our porch and watch our fence get completely destroyed by the wind, it was sweet. I have never seen so much lightning in my life either! The storm lasted until thursday and we weren't allowed outside so we chilled a lot. On Wednesday the 2nd the 2nd ward sisters got a baptism and I got to interview their investigator for that. We met with the Albas (part member family) and brought along the Johnson's. The lesson was so amazing, we talked about the plan of salvation and how they can become an eternal family! Brother Alba who is not a member was really into the lesson but said he just wasn't ready for baptism yet! It bummed me out but just pray for him. Other than that this week was really slow due to the weather and me being sick.

Elder Logan Kimball

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