Thursday, May 29, 2014

Ft. Walton part 6 (and a address change)- May 26, 2014

Hello Friends and Family,
Elder Atagi is getting transferred and I'm getting a new companion by the name of Elder McEwan. I've met him before at zone training back in the Pensacola zone. This week we had trade offs with the 2nd ward elders and I stayed in my area and Elder Johnson came down and we worked the area! We are still working with Chyann but no progression thus far... We got her a ride to church but she wasn't home when her ride came by... its always a bummer going to church and no investigators show! I've got to go but I love you guys!!!
- Elder Kimball
P.s. They just opened up a Panda Express by our house

Here is my new address: 
Elder Logan Kimball 
44 Wright Pkwy NW #A2
Fort Walton Beach, FL

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