Monday, January 19, 2015

Deers Are DUMB- January 12, 2015

This week we set a baptismal date with Paula Watson for January 31st. She is really excited and is ready for her baptism. She said, if she could, she would get baptized tomorrow but she knows its best not to rush things. A member of the Ozark branch has been talking frequently our investigator Adam Furgeson. Things have been going Adams way and he is finally realizing that God is playing a huge role in his life. Adam came to church and stayed all three hours which is impressive. John Corey didn't come to church this week because he had work, but we did get to meet with him for a few minutes on Sunday evening. On Friday Chao Vang and her husband Eric Vang picked us up and took us out to their house to feed us Hmong food. While driving Eric broadsided a deer and creamed it. The deer didn't damage the car at all and wasn't killed but the deer and I made eye contact before he got T-boned! I felt pretty bad, but it was kind of sweet. Pretty cool story huh?
Elder Logan Kimball

Attached is a photo of me trying to look "cute" for my mom.

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