Monday, March 16, 2015

Becoming Better- January 26, 2015

Dear family and friends,
This week we had an amazing lesson with a couple we tracted into a few weeks ago named Maurice and Richard Raff. We talked about the holy ghost and shared a video called patterns of light. In the video David A. Bednar shares his prophetic insight on how we feel the holy ghost. The video touched Maurice and answered her question as to why she doesn't feel the holy ghost as strongly as she wants to. We still have been trying to get back in contact with Paula Watson but she will never answer the door. We know she's inside because we can hear her 3 year old niece screaming through the front door. Its lame but we wont give up on her because the Lord wouldn't do that. Adam  is doing well, he knows that baptism is the right choice he needs to make and has told us but he wont come to church and take the proper steps towards baptism. The hardest thing about being a missionary is showing up to church Sunday mornings excited to see all of your investigators at church,  but one by one they text you and let you know they cant make it. Church is so important! The sacrament that is blessed and passed at church is truly the blood and body of Christ. Its so important for us to apply the Lords atonement in our lives so we can become better. I love you all.

Elder Logan Kimball 

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