Dear Family and friends,
Elder Parsons and I killed it this week. We picked up seven new investigators all because of Family History. On Saturday we did service for the local Elementary here in Ozark and got to meet a few really cool people. On Sunday the primary kids here in Ozark put on a program, its so amazing how the children are such a pure and direct channel to feeling the spirit. Our Investigator, Brother Gary, told us he quit smoking when he came to church on Sunday. I was so excited because I was scared he wasn't going to. He told us that the blessing Brother Welch, his fellowshipper gave him is working. Brother Welch gave the most humble blessing I've herd in a while. We've also been working with a guy by the name of A. Ferguson and he bore testimony to us about how he knows the Book of Mormon is more scripture! I could very much feel the spirit when he was testifying. Its the best hearing the testimony's of those you have taught, nothing is more rewarding! The Lords work will roll forth no mater what!
Elder Logan Kimball
P.S. The pictures I attached are ones I took this week. How sweet is that whip? I think I'm going to trade my bike in for that trike!
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